How To Keep Your Marriage On Target

Family, Personal/Spiritual Growth, The Good Marriage Project

Hi! I'm Kathy!

A seasoned entrepreneur, wife of 40+ years, previously licensed therapist, and relationship coach in northern Colorado. If you like these free resources, I encourage you to check out my services page and explore what opportunities are available to expand and strengthen your marriage or partnership!

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  1. Gabby says:

    Every so often my husband and I take time at night after the kids go to bed. No electronics, barely a light on in the house. When the weather is nice, we sit out on the porch and listen to the night critters. I’m usually the conversation starter but we often will talk about recent changes in our childrens’ personalities, any adjustments we think our daily schedule could use that they might emotionally and physically benefit from. We also talk about any upcoming ideas or plans. I LOVE this time with my husband. We are able to clear away the mental clutter that so easily creeps in from the outside world and regain a clear focus on where we’re going. We often CANCEL plans during these talks too, or at least postpone them, when we realize that our schedule is simply not realistic or is becoming unpleasantly crowded. I LOVE the idea of having time away, just the two of us to do this for an entire weekend or even a 24 hour stretch.

    We were recently able to discuss and make a decision on our school options for the kids next year when our twins will be ready for Pre-k 4. We realized that the first week of school fell during the week we plan to go to Paris for a best friend’s wedding. In that moment we had to pause and ask ourselves what our dreams were. We have been itching to return to travel and the Paris trip is planned without children…JUST US. In order to keep the dreams for our marriage and family on course we finalized our decision to homeschool, at least next year, and see where that takes us. I have been on the fence about it for a year now and the moment we made the decision I felt excitement rather than anxiety! I knew, from my emotional radar that I we had made a choice that furthered our familial goals! It was a beautiful moment of clarity. One that would not have happened without some carved out quiet moments.

    • Gabby, I love this on so many levels! It saddens me that school days have gotten longer, with no better results. And pre-K–you’ll love that time with them!

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