The Secret to Keeping a Resolution

Personal/Spiritual Growth

Hi! I'm Kathy!

A seasoned entrepreneur, wife of 40+ years, previously licensed therapist, and relationship coach in northern Colorado. If you like these free resources, I encourage you to check out my services page and explore what opportunities are available to expand and strengthen your marriage or partnership!

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  1. Denise Bruchmiller says:

    Thanks for your new post! ….and congratulations on meeting 1/4 of your month’s goal to do ONE thing!

    My “ONE Thing” goal for this month is to input all the email addresses of the SADDS (Dental) Alliance members into a Google group so that I can communication w/ them more easily. Deadline 1/31/16. ?

    I love new beginnings too, and I am always invigorated by a new start! I’m thrilled when a new nine weeks in school comes for my teenage daughter and WE get to “wipe the slate clean” and begin again! I am also a list maker (which is goal setting of a kind) I do this each evening for the following day and it works pretty well for me! It alleviates having to make BIG resolutions at
    the beginning of a new year….I just keep operating on the one-day-at-a-time method! Of course there are the NEW things I want to try, the FUN things I want to do (that I don’t have to do but I just WANT to do). I inter-mingle those “new” or “fun” things amongst the “daily resolutions” and KEEP THEM ON THE LIST! They often are on the back burner…and have to come after “my daily responsibilities” …however, they never come off the list until I have done them or changed my mind! It keeps me motivated and moving forward!

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      And that is why you are always my inspiration for “getting things done”!!
      What is a fun thing on your list?

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      Happy February! Checking in to see how you did with your January goal?

  2. Denise Bruchmiller says:

    I love to go to the movies! I reward myself when I’ve accomplished a goal OR just need a break. Finding new restaurants is another “fun thing” I like to do. We are trying the Cookhouse restaurant this month ….
    recommended by numerous friends!

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