
My Five Husbands

The Good Marriage Project

Hi! I'm Kathy!

A seasoned entrepreneur, wife of 40+ years, previously licensed therapist, and relationship coach in northern Colorado. If you like these free resources, I encourage you to check out my services page and explore what opportunities are available to expand and strengthen your marriage or partnership!

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  1. Becky says:

    Kathy, you are such an awesome inspirational writer. What a precious gift

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      Thank you so much, Becky. My hope is that some of the things we have learned may help encourage other couples.

  2. Carole says:

    Great read Kathy! And yes, Grandparenting is the BEST! There’s a reason they call them Grand!

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      We have several “adopted” grandchildren that we love dearly, but we are really looking forward to that chapter!

  3. Arlen Miller says:

    Ms. Kathy, I love this post. Excellent and powerful title. I;m glad I got to meet you at Tribe Conference last weekend. How soon will you be speaking at a Conference.

    You should go ahead and make a speaking page. (Seriously.)

    Blessings, Arlen Miller

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      Thank you, Arlen–it was really great meeting you. It was an honor to meet you and to hear about your passion to encourage adoptive parents. I look forward to reading your work and staying in touch.

  4. Karen says:

    Lovely! What an antidote to our ‘toss him/her out, he/she changed’ cultural mindset. Had that conversation with two neighbors yesterday who were convinced you can’t stay married because ___ (fill in the blank). Praise God you navigated the deep waters and are enjoying yourselves. It is hard, fruitful work.

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