The Secret to Your Man’s Heart

The Good Marriage Project

Hi! I'm Kathy!

A seasoned entrepreneur, wife of 40+ years, previously licensed therapist, and relationship coach in northern Colorado. If you like these free resources, I encourage you to check out my services page and explore what opportunities are available to expand and strengthen your marriage or partnership!

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  1. Gail Groves says:

    Kathy, this is such a good reminder. I’m going to do just that today!

  2. Whitney Allen says:

    I may not always have been good at this, but I know what you say is spot on! There is NOTHING more important to Mark Allen, than for me to let him know how much I love and appreciate all that he does for me and our family. To RESPECT Mark and to let him know how proud I am of him is everything to him!!

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      Whitney, I find I need to remind myself periodically not to take him for granted. There is such a familiarity after so many years of marriage, it’s easy to take each other for granted. You and Mark are such a great example of a healthy marriage–thank you for comment–truth!

  3. Denise Bruchmiller says:

    Thank you for sharing this important truth. You’re right, it is easy to get comfortable, and assume they know that you always feel grateful for them! I try to do this regularly and am reinforced for doing it MORE by the smile I see on Brad’s face! Love your blog!

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      Thank you, Denise. It really was a head slap that day. Obviously wasn’t modeled when I was growing up, so it truly did not occur to me that Mark wanted my affirmation.

  4. Jacquie says:

    Kathy this is such a good reminder. I too have learned this lesson over the last 44 years. I hope I’ve modeled this for my children as well. But I know I have slipped up many times over the years, especially when my own life and career seemed to be careening out of control.
    I loved the reminder that God made sure to give affirmation to Christ. I will definitely forward this one on to my daughters.

    • Kathy Rushing says:

      Jacquie–I think we all need to be reminded periodically!I didn’t know you when you were raising your family, but I am so grateful for the affirmation that you and Mac have given Ryan and Amy. Thank you 🙂

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